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February 7, 2025

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Insider TA Feedback
  • "...with good technical analysis screens and charting capabilities ... [INSIDER TA] is one more tool to help you make an investment decision. And the more information you have, the better your chances will be of betting correctly."

  • "Just wanted to let you know that I've installed and have running [Insider TA] on Windows 7 64-bit without any difficulties. I don't think I've ever mentioned that I think your User Manual and Help files are about the best in the business. They're clear, easy to navigate, and always answer the question!"
  • R.C. (Nov 2010)

  • "The on-line tutorials and on-screen help guide prove useful while navigating the program. For technicians who are particularly interested in volume analysis or looking for a basic technical analysis platform without all of the bells and whistles, Insider TA may fit your needs."

  • "I think the animated tutorials you've done are excellent and are a great help."

  • "I have only had the ITA software for a few weeks and I now find it at the center of my trading research."

  • "[INSIDER TA's] real strength lies in providing confirmation signals for other analysis techniques. A common problem with technical analysis is redundancy: too many technical tools use the same pieces of data in similar ways and merely replicate each other. Because Insider TA unusually makes extensive use of volume as an input it has the ability to provide truly independent confirmation.

  • "I think your program is superior to other software programs that I have purchased..."

  • The Business Junction, on Investing & Stocks with Insider TA: "our staff considers... the best software available"

  • "What's nice about Insider TA is that it allows you to spot stocks early in their uptrends, so that you can pick up almost the entire move."
  • Research Magazine , February 1997 (p24)

  • "...[Insider TA] allows you to analyze the data according to Richard ARMS equivolume techniques. I had been using Arm's book, and my spreadsheet program, but [Insider TA] will make it so much easier. The Arm's technique has increased my batting average".

  • "[Insider TA] performs its analysis using a modification of the Arms Equivolume charting method. Discreet 'Buy' and 'Sell' signals are generated using an optimization process which finds and saves separate parameter values for each issue in a list being filtered. Many other more popular programs can't do this."

  • "I like the equivolume feature of your program better than <snip> ...neither of those programs have enough detail in their manuals....Your Insider TA manual is the best by far, wish all app programs came with a good manual like yours."
  • "This is the best written helpfile/manual I've ever seen!... please pass on the compliment to whoever wrote it.  I'll know this program inside and out..."

  • "...use the pro version. The book to use to accompany this tool is Richard Arms "Trading Without Fear". ... if you want to OD on volume, and see an entirely new perspective then try Stock Blocks [Insider TA]. It is very useful at trend extremes and at congestion and support / resistance levels. It will give you graphic presentations you have not seen before."

  • "[INSIDER TA] works extremely well for intermediate term trading...that has at least as good, perhaps a better track record than all the advisors I've seen [in MISC.INVEST.TECHNICAL] and advertising themselves in TASC and IBD."

  • "I am using Insider [TA] to buy and sell stocks in the market, and I am amazed at its accuracy...I really believe that you have produced a superior product for individual investors."

  • "I love the program.  It helped me to beat the S&P this year by 6% on my composite of accounts."

  • "I am a registered user of your product, or rather my wife, who bought Insider [TA] for me as a Christmas present. Insider [TA] is a GREAT product and I have already made some money with it, so I thought I might EMAIL you with thanks for a great product!!"

  • "A couple of days ago I received your software here in Victoria B.C. I installed everything and went through the "help" menu. I really was surprised what a beautiful and practical and complete program you have put together and I just wanted to compliment you. I have stock market programs costing more than 10 times the price of Insider [TA] which are not put together that well."

  • "The ability to view stock data in a dynamic, animated environment is unique, I have never seen anything like it before...I like the way the graphics are laid out..."

  • "I have used INSIDER TA now for several months and find it very intuitive and effective..."

  • "When I load a file the day after I previously viewed it, I'm impressed with how INSIDER TA restores graphs and buttons to the way I last left them. That's a great feature."

  • "A very powerful stock data-analysis program, supporting a wide array of tools, including lowest price setting, or lowest yield settings. It is not the easist to get the hang of, but very useful once mastered. Further features are [trend] markers and zooming abilities..."
  • Yippee Shareware review - 2000/04/05

  • In Investing Online For Dummies®, 5th Edition, under a short list of recommended Technical analysis software: "Insider TA ( uses box charting to highlight each trading period’s volume and high and low prices."

  • "AgentLand has given your software the score of 4 out of 5,
    a sign of the high esteem in which we hold it."
    Insider TA was awarded
    a "5 cow" rating by
    the TUCOWS network

    "Congratulations! The Insider TA Demo has been awarded a 4 star rating at A1 Yippee Shareware

    "A very powerful stock data-analysis program, supporting a wide array of tools.."

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