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July 27, 2024

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Insider TA™ Reviews

Stocks & Commodities software reviews
Wayne A. Thorp (American Association of Individual Investors) in his article titled Comparison: Technical Analysis Software writes

"Insider TA Standard and Pro from Stock Blocks, Inc. is a unique application when compared to the others highlighted here..."

In the UK publication Futures & Options (FOW) Magazine Issue 345, February 2000, Insider TA Pro Version 4 is featured in their "On The Screen" section:

"Volume analysis has traditionally been rather neglected by software companies, now Insider TA is here to fill the gap..." (View first page).

Financial Software Review on Insider TA:

"One of the few investment software programs on the market that really takes volume seriously" review of ITA version 3
Investors Chronicle review of ITA version 3

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