Loading of Metastock® data
files stored on your computer is an Insider
TA™ Professional feature.
How to load Metastock data
load Metastock files into Insider TA Pro, you need to "load" one
of the three symbol index files (XMASTER,
EMASTER, or MASTER) into the File
Entry Panel.
In the example shown here, the XMASTER file in directory C:\MsData\Canadian\ASE is
loaded. It reflects the first line item in the Path Menu (the gray region on
the left). Here we configured the item to
display the label "Metastock
data (ASE)". We can revert that line back to displaying "c:\msdata\canadian\ase\xmaster" by
right-clicking that line and deselecting the "Display Alias" option
in the pop up menu.
When either the XMASTER, EMASTER,
or MASTER file is loaded, the file listing on the right
side will immediately fill with all the company names it stores. From
there, simply click the desired ticker you wish to view.
Which symbol index file is preferable to load?
If you are working with the newer version of Metastock that allows more
than 255 securities per directory, then you should always have access
to the XMASTER file. In these cases, always load the XMASTER
file. By doing this, Insider TA is able to access all
the *.MWD files, plus
all the *.DAT files referenced
in the EMASTER file, automatically.
On the other hand, you might have
3rd party software that only generates Metastock files within the 255
limit. In those cases, you'll only see a MASTER file accompanying the
data. So you'll have no choice but to to select MASTER. An example
of this
is when
CSI's Unfair Advantage® program to export
CSI data to Metastock format.
Insider TA's File Entry Panel has a "wizard" option that automatically
grabs all master index files from a selected disk drive. Click here for
more info.
NOTE: Insider TA is unable to create or edit Metastock data.
However, data loaded from any source, including those from Metastock,
can be exported to ASCII files using an export feature in the ASCII
Field Formatter Panel.